OUR STORY WITH klean kanteen
as glamorous as some may find sales brokering to be, ask any one of us how much of our personal values we sacrifice for the work. when we signed on with klean, at the end of any one week i would be emptying up to a dozen paper coffee cups and countless plastic water or juice bottles out of my passenger seat floor ‘garbage’. it was a personal challenge to me in signing on with to respect the amount of trash i was contributing to the problem.
my mantra has become ‘every 24 seconds 48,000 paper coffee cups are distributed in this country alone’. if we’re going to indulge in excess consumption and extremes of convenience we should at least attempt to do it responsibly ‘most’ of the time. I'm the one on our team that had the most work to do here personally. and i feel good about how I've risen to the challenge. it’s rare that i take a flight without two kanteens on me and my car’s passenger seat has been upgraded to a permanent cushion for a klean kanteen.
Looking for more information on klean kanteen?
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